Representative Council has updated the association regulation – association categories to be renewed

The Representative Council has approved the update of the association regulation at its meeting on 8 Dec. With the update, AYY’s association categories will be renewed. The main purpose of the reform is to clarify and equalise AYY’s association field.

According to the previous classification, the student union associations have been divided into special status associations and associations in the first and second lists. In the reform, associations are divided into subject associations and associations that will receive benefits from the student union according to their activities.

An association may be approved in AYY’s association register if its activities are association activities aimed at AYY’s members and if at least ten of its ordinary members are members of AYY.

Subject associations must take care of the interests of their members at their school with a written agreement approved by the school.

The Student Union also has cooperative associations to which AYY has delegated some of its tasks. The benefits and obligations of the cooperative associations are defined in a written cooperation agreement.

In the future, associations must have at least ten members of AYY instead of the former seven, which may require action from some of the associations. It is advisable to prepare for the changes now, although the associations will have a transitional period to implement the changes. Subject associations should also check in advance that a written agreement with their school is in order.

Measures required by the reform in a nutshell:

1) Associations must ensure that at least ten of its ordinary members are members of AYY

2) Subject associations must sign written advocacy agreements with their own school

3) Cooperative associations must sign an agreement with AYY

In the future, the associations will receive benefits based on their activities. The benefits are set out in a separate document entitled “Benefits and Obligations of Associations”, the preparation of which has begun. The document will be approved and published at the earliest in early 2022, when it will be communicated to the associations. We will also provide a more detailed timetable for implementing the changes as soon as possible.

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