Now is the time to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants! Important information on temporary amendments regarding the meetings of associations

Now is the time to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!

Now is the time to submit annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!

All associations operating within Aalto University Student Union must annually submit an association notice, and the associations in the 1st list can also apply for the operating grant at the same time. The application period and the submitting of association notices starts at 12noon on Mon, 22 Mar, and ends at 11.59pm on Wed, 30 June. This message includes instructions for submitting the association notice and applying for the operating grant. At the end, you will find a link to the association guide and contact details if you have any questions.

Operating grant applications and association notices are processed as soon as possible after the deadline, but the grants will not be paid until the autumn. We will provide more detailed information on the schedule and the progress of the applications. This year, the application and notice period is exceptionally long, as the act on temporary deviation 677/2020 from the Associations Act is in force.

PLEASE NOTE! The temporary act does not allow associations to deviate from the date of the annual meeting which they have defined in their own bylaws. Remote meetings are allowed and highly recommended without a specific mention in association bylaws.

AYY’s associations must submit an association notice annually. It is essential that we can check that associations continue to meet the requirements set by AYY’s association regulation. Thus, the most important attachment is the current bylaws. In accordance with the association regulation, an association that fails to submit the association notice in two consecutive years may be removed from the register by decision of the Board.

The association notice consists of tabs to be filled in and the required attachments. The required attachments are: 

  • current rules
  • management report for the previous operating year
  • plan of action for the current year of operations


  1. Have the required attachments ready (bylaws, management report and the plan of action
  2. Log in to Tahlo system
    with the username of your association. If you have lost the user details, they can generally be restored to the email of your Board at
  3. Carefully fill in the tabs General, Board, Facilities and Attachments. Save each tab separately as you fill them in. 
  4. If you do not submit all the required attachments, the association notice is inadequate. You may request more time to submit the attachments but you need to have a justified and serious reason for this. Send a message to [email protected], tell us your reason and when the attachments will be ready.
  5. Great, you are ready now! You have now submitted the required association notice.


AYY’s operating grants support the continuous operations of associations. All associations in the first list of AYY’s association register may apply for the operating grant. 

The grants are applied for annually and they are scored using the scoring model for operating grants. If an association submits the grant application in accordance with the instructions, it has also submitted the association notice required from all associations.

The operating grant application consists of an application form to be filled in and the required attachments. The required attachments are: 

  • current bylaws 
  • financial statements for the previous operating year (consists of profit and loss account and balance sheet)
  • management report for the previous operating year
  • plan of action for the current year of operations
  • budget for the current year of operations

In addition, in order to receive the operating grant, associations need to have an updated association profile on AYY’s website(formto update the profile).


  1. Have the required attachments ready (bylaws, management report, the plan of action and budget)
  2. Log in to Tahlo system with the username of your association. If you have lost the user details, they can generally be restored to the email of your Board at
  3. Carefully fill in the tabs General, Board, Application, Facilities and Attachments. Save each tab separately as you fill them in. You can complete the application piece by piece. If your association is a special status association, also fill in the Special Status tab (no impact on applying for the grant but filling in the tab is a precondition for receiving the grant).
  4. You can answer questions related to the scope and nature of activities based on your association activities before the corona pandemic. Associations can therefore apply for the grant normally, even if they have had less activities or no activities during the past year. Achieving the maximum scores does not require weekly activities in each area.
  5. If you do not submit all of the required attachments, each missing attachment reduces the amount of the grant. You can avoid a fine by requesting more time to submit the attachments but you need to have a justified and serious reason for this. Send a message to [email protected], tell us your reason and when the attachments will be ready.
  6. Great, you are ready now! You have now applied for the grant and submitted the required association notice.

In addition, in order to receive the operating grant, associations need to have an updated association profile on AYY’s website(formto update the profile).


Tips for auditors and for those preparing financial statements

For many associations, the year of operations ended at the turn of the year and now is the time to start drafting financial statements. After that, the auditors can start their work. Check out AYY’s association guide  for current tips for financial statements and auditing. 

AYY’s association sector ([email protected]) will answer all questions regarding the operating grant. You can also reach the association sector by phone at 0406772033 (on weekdays).

Got more questions? Come meet the association sector on the 6th of April at 16:30-17:30 on Zoom.

Please contact us immediately if your association is unable to complete the application form or notice within the deadline.

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