Maximum price of student meals set to rise – who will pay for this?

Price of student meals will be increased from the beginning of October. In this release, we will tell you about what is happening, how much is left for the student to pay, why the price is going up and how AYY feels about this.
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Currently, the maximum price of a student meal for higher education students is five euros, of which Kela pays 2.30 euros and students pay the difference 2.70 euros. After the increase, the maximum price will be 5.50 euros.

What is happening? 

The maximum price of a student meal will be increased by 50 cents in October. Currently, the maximum price of a student meal for higher education students is five euros, of which Kela pays 2.30 euros and students pay the difference 2.70 euros. After the increase, the maximum price will be 5.50 euros. 

How much will I have to pay? 

Students have to pay the increased 50 cents at least for now before Parliament decides by the end of the year whether to increase the meal subsidy for a student meal, i.e., the proportion paid by Kela. The price paid by a student for a meal will decrease at the end of the year if the meal subsidy is increased. 

Why is the price going up? 

Inflation and a sharp increase in the price of food have significantly increased the cost of running student restaurants, threatening the operation and existence of restaurants. An option for raising the price is to compromise on the quality and versatility of food. The price is increased so that the profitability of restaurants and the quality of food can be maintained. 

What can we say? 

The National Union of University Students in Finland and National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences SAMOK wish that the share of the meal subsidy covered more of the increase in the maximum price. AYY also believes that most of the increase in the maximum price should be covered by an increase in the meal subsidy so that the price paid by the student remains reasonable. This is very important for students’ living and well-being. 

Read more (in Finnish): 

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