Fuksi committee and international committee are organizing a fundraising campaign

Fuksi committee and international committee organized a fundraising campaign together with Mieli Mental health Finland organization. The Wappumieli (Finnish for Wappu spirit) campaign aims to raise awareness towards youth and young adults’ mental health after the long lasting covid times and in the global environment that is shaped by war close by.
Kuvassa opiskelijat maalaavat lakanaan tekstiä "Iloista wappumieltä"

Wappumieli campaign has a charity fund where donations go to Sekasin chat, hosted by the MIELI Mental Health Finland organization. Sekasin chat is aimed for young persons from 12 to 29 years old. It offers low-threshold mental health consulting and means for youth and young adults to better their mental health. Currently there’s more chat requests than the personnel can reply to.

Chats alone can’t mend the damage that two years of distance learning and limits to hobbies and sports activities have done to young people’s mental health but they’re a good way for an individual to get first contact with mental health professionals.

By donating today you can help youth and young people to get help with their mental health problems and you are with us all in bringing this important topic to daylight! Donate alone or in a group and challenge your friends or coworkers to donate too!

Hop on this train with us and bring the best Wappu spirit around you at wappu.fi/mieli. Fundraising is open from April 6th until May 1st.

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