Apply for AYY’s Parliamentary Election Team!

Parliamentary elections are approaching, are you ready? In April next year, we will vote on the future direction of students for the next four years. Would you like to organise campaigns for next spring, where we challenge future decision-makers, bring the elections closer to students and make the voice of Aalto students heard?

The aim of the team is to plan and organise fascinating election-related campaigns, such as election panels and easily accessible events with a touch of Aalto spirit. Would you like to arrange a cricket contest with parliamentary election candidates while discussing students' rights or to host an election panel where candidates can reveal their best memories from student years?

In the team, you can create and execute the most interesting events of the election spring with the support and training of AYY staff. You don’t need previous experience in event planning, advocacy or politics. At the beginning of the year, the members of the team will receive a comprehensive introduction to the upcoming election spring. Working in the team will provide a good starting point for advocacy work and the understanding of political practices.

The team will meet in January, but you are also welcome to join the activities throughout the spring.

Interested? Apply here:

Contact person:
Nea Baarman
AYY’s Advocacy and Communications Manager
[email protected]
+358 44 330 6224
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