Announcement to the tenants: AYY cancels the common sauna shifts on its properties

In accordance with AVI's order, AYY cancels the common sauna shifts on its properties, as people typically stay with a larger group in them and not only with people that are living in the same household. Common Sauna slots will be canceled for the time being from 3 January 2022,at least to the date 17 January  2022.
Kaksi opiskelijaa istuu kasvomaskit naamallaan pöydän ääressä

AYY cancels the common sauna shifts on its properties

On 23 December 2021, the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland (AVI) ordered the closure of premises used by public and private actors, including swimming pools, public saunas and the associated changing rooms.

In accordance with AVI's order, AYY cancels the common sauna shifts on its properties, as people typically stay with a larger group in them and not only with people that are living in the same household. Common Sauna slots will be canceled for the time being from 3 January 2022, at least to the date 17 January  2022.

The restrictive measure has no effect on the residents' own sauna shifts. However, please, pay special attention to hygiene during your sauna shift. Club rooms, laundry rooms and other common areas will remain in use for the time being. However, while using them, user must completely follow the regulations in force at the time of assembly, safety intervals and hygiene instructions. Currently, staying in club rooms, laundry rooms and other common areas,  should only be minimized for gatherings between people living in the same household.

Further information: FAQ of COVID-19 pandemic and housing

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